"I believe that if an angel were to wing his way from earth up to Heaven, and were to say that there was one poor, ragged boy, without father or mother, with no one to care for him and teach him the way of life; and if God were to ask who among them were willing to come down to this earth and live here for fifty years and lead that one to Jesus Christ, every angel in Heaven would volunteer to go. Even Gabriel, who stands in the presence of the Almighty, would say, 'Let me leave my high and lofty position, and let me have the luxury of leading one soul to Jesus Christ.' There is no greater honor than to be the instrument in God's hands of leading one person out of the kingdom of Satan into the glorious light of Heaven."--Dwight L. Moody

Friday, February 1, 2013

Hard to believe we've come to the end of another week.   Each day seems to fly by and we're sad at the end of each day to see another day in our time here gone.  

Happy Sabbath to everyone!   We are grateful to God  for bringing us safely to the end of this week and to another Sabbath day. 

 This week has been quite full.   The girls have been teaching math, science and whatever other classes they pass off to them on the spur of the moment (a good lesson in flexibility)!  The teachers have been quite happy to have help in the classroom and to be able to get things done or to run errands which they don't generally have time for.  There doesn't seem to be alot of "planning ahead" around here, so we just ask the Lord to help us be prepared for whatever comes our way during the day!! 

The girls have been doing all of the evening worships this week.   I wish we could transport each of you here to hear the children singing.  It is such a joyous time to see them singing with all their hearts (no microphones needed here)....and they know so many songs.   It has been a challenge for us to come up with new songs to teach them.  The girls taught them a song from the Truth for Youth Program called "Apple Red Happiness".   They sang it through with the children 4 times and they knew it perfectly.   The children learn amazingly fast.  It is fun hearing them singing the song all over the campus.

Mike has been providing alot of computer support while here as well as working remotely and keeping up with classes.  The biggest struggle has been the "slow" internet - a huge frustration!   Chris has been helping in the library, with activities for playtime with the toddlers, worships for the staff and art classes and whatever else she is asked to do.

The Islamic political party in expressing their anger over "something," declared a ban on all motorized travel in the country on Thurs. between 8 and 5pm.   Unfortunately, we were told, there is alot of unrest during these times and much violence.  Several staff from the orphanage were planning a trip to Dhaka on Thurs., but decided to delay until after 5pm.   In the end, they ended up not leaving until Friday @4am because even though they put a time on the strike, many vehicles were burned and alot of violence occured on Wed. prior to the ban and more was anticipated late into the evening on Thurs.  We heard a couple of hours ago that they had arrived in Dhaka safely  - praise the Lord.  Since we had planned a trip to town on Thurs also, we had to change our mode of transportation from a quick trip in the truck to walking about a mile into a local village where we caught a couple of rickshaws and rode the rest of the way.   We enjoyed our walk and little children all along the way enjoyed shaking the girls hands and saying "hello, how are you" as they walked by!    After picking up needed supplies, we took 4 students shopping for fabric (we brought 4th grade girls from Bangla Hope with us).   Each student picked out fabric for 2 everyday outfits and one Sabbath outfit.   This will be their wardrobe for the next 6 months.  

There are several temporary staff members here with us at the Orphanage - perhaps some of you know them:   Bonnie and Norman Krause - from Olympia WA.   She is a nurse and is tending to the medical needs here right now.   Norman has been repairing anything in sight and has been a tremendous blessing here.  They are spending two months here.   Bob Finkbiner - from Walla Walla has been working with the teachers of the 5th grade class and all the teachers in the village schools.   He has done workshops and helped in the program planning and curriculum decisions.   He leaves for home tonight.  He has been a great help here over the last two months.   Makenzie Thompson -- a student missionary from Walla Walla has been here since October.   She is from Meadow Glade area, so some of you may know her from CAA.   She has developed quite a bond with the children and has been a blessing here to the children and staff.   Many others have been coming and going over the last several months - a great help to the staff here and the children soak up all the love they can from those who come!  

We've had trouble uploading pictures again this time unfortunately.   We'll continue to try a few more times, but you may have to wait for our mission report to see all the cute pictures of the kids!  

Many blessings to each of you this Sabbath! 



  1. Happy Sabbath! So glad ur all happy & safe! Me thinks twill be VERY difficult to extract ur girls away to come home this time eh. God bless, we are praying for you! ronni & fam

  2. We are praying for you.
    Praise the Lord for all the good that is going on.
    Thank you for mentioning the others.
    Wow! Norm and Bonnie Krause! Wow! I used to plow the snow from their driveway as a student at Mount Ellis academy. Always kind and thoughtful. They made a positive impression on a young me. Please give them my greetings. They may not remember me but that's ok.

    Also hello to Makenzie. Our families first met in the San Juans in 96 or 97. Wonderful to know she is serving the Lord!

    Missing you all but praising the Lord for all you are doing for His children, our sisters and brothers.

    Mike Houtchens n family
